A roadmap for realigning back to your essential self and creating a life you love

What guides you in your life?
What influences your choices; where you choose to direct your energy?
What navigational tools and practices do you turn to when life feels uncertain, overwhelming and scary?

If you are unsure of your answers, it may be time to hit pause and reset the direction your life is taking. Polaris can offer the structure, system and sanctuary you need to recalibrate and re-energise to feel clear, focused and empowered to create a life that is deeply meaningful, satisfying, and joyful.

Coming soon. Join the waitlist.

Coming soon. Join the waitlist.

Polaris is a six-week course to build a strong inner compass for navigating life’s ups and downs with grace, curiosity and integrity.

The six-week journey…

Session #1 Awakening to your North Star & how we drift off-course

Our first gathering is all about understanding what we are working with - what is our North Star, how we drift off-course, what it means to return to realignment, why that’s important, and how an inner roadmap helps us navigate anxiety, overwhelm and dissatisfaction in our lives.

Session #4 Uncovering your essential self and the signs to know you’re going in the most aligned direction

We’ve explored what moving away from your North Star looks and feels like, what about moving towards? Here, we discover and clarify who your essential self is and what it looks and feels like to move towards our North Star.

Session #2 Who did you learn to be

We unpack the person you learned to be from the major environments and people around you. We’ll delve into the stories, beliefs and ways of being holding you back from embodying your essential self. This session is all about understanding what it looks and feels like when you move away from your North Star.

Session #5 Your organic design

When we’ve spent a lifetime being who we believe other people want us to be, it can be difficult to connect with our essential self. Building on the work and reflections of session #4, this gathering is an information-rich class on discovering your unique Human Design and what it can reveal to you about the way in which your energy is best utilised, how you are naturally designed to make decisions, and flow with life, and your unique way of naturally showing up in the world.

Session #3 Embodied safety & letting go of the parts of ourselves no longer aligned with who we want to be

In many cases, who we learned to be has protected the vulnerability of being our essential self in the world. When we can be the person others need us to be, we can feel safe in belonging. And yet, there will always be this inner desire to be liberated; to be ourselves, whatever that may look like. Here, we delve into embodied safety and feeling okay with letting go of some parts of the learned self in order to fully step into and express our essential self.

Session #6 Navigating life and uncertainty with our new inner roadmap

Once we get to our final gathering, we’ll have developed a working foundation for navigating the ups and downs of life. This session focuses on the tools and practices we can return to for navigating our unique journeys as we put our roadmaps up to the test of experimentation.

This is for you…

  • If you feel a general dissatisfaction, anxiety or numbness with where your life is at the moment and the direction it is taking.

  • If you want more from your life, and yourself, but are unsure of where to start.

  • If you are overwhelmed by change and become terrified by uncertainty.

  • If you are ready to try something different and get to know yourself more deeply.

“I want you to feel clear on the road ahead, on the inner navigational system that will help you create a life of authenticity, integrity, sovereignty, meaning, and joy. I want you to believe in the power of your choices; in your ability to create the life you want; and to feel you have a strong foundation for experimenting and enjoying the life you are currently living.”

— Danielle Hanrahan, therapeutic coach

The details

  • 6 x fortnightly calls with start date TBA. These live calls will take place over Zoom with the details sent out prior to the course commencing. The gatherings will be scheduled for the evening, from 6-8pm AEST. Each gathering will be recorded with the replay uploaded within 24 hours.

  • You will have access to the replays and course materials for 12 months from the finish date, so you have the time to return to the practices and reflections when needed.

  • A digital workbook that will act as your roadmap reminder for when the course is completed.

  • You will be invited to join check-in gatherings 3 months, 6 months and 12 months following the course end date. This is an opportunity to feel supported, to be held accountable for the changes you desire to make, and to ask questions/share your reflections for the group you will join.

  • Each intake is limited to 12 participants to ensure each person feels seen and supported on this journey.

  • The investment is $299. Payment plans are available.

“It’s not about the destination, but the journey. Focus on aligning your inner navigation system, and you’ll open yourself to a life you could never have dreamed of.”

— Danielle Hanrahan, therapeutic coach